To Study the Self is to Forget the Self

To Study the Self is to Forget the Self

Yoga in the form of action has three parts: training and purifying the senses (tapas), self-study in the context of teachings (svadhyaya), and 3) devotion and letting go into the creative source from which we emerged (ishvara pranidhana). – Yoga Sutras 2.1 Last time,...
Keeping the Fire Burning

Keeping the Fire Burning

Yoga in the form of action has three parts: training and purifying the senses (tapas), self-study in the context of teachings (svadhyaya), and 3) devotion and letting go into the creative source from which we emerged (ishvara pranidhana). – Yoga Sutras 2.1 I want to...
Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure

“Regular practice is compulsory for everyone. Don’t worry about how much you’re bending or not. Be on the mat. Try to do whatever asanas you can.” – Sharath Jois People new to Ashtanga are fascinated by (& perhaps a bit scared of!) the crazy poses. And indeed the...
Salutations & Welcome

Salutations & Welcome

Salutations to that reality in which all the elements and all the animate and inanimate beings shine as if they have an independent existence, and in which they exist for a time and into which they merge. Salutations to that consciousness which is the source of the...


Lots of people who come to Mysore return year after year. I’ve always stayed at serviced apartments until this year. This year, my apartment is attached to a family residence. It’s a fantastic place. But staying here meant I had to buy some household things: sheets,...

Gokul Chats

One afternoon, after a bit of a walk, we decided to check out another local place, Gokul Chats. Gokulam is the name of the suburb we’re in, and Chats means snacks. Gokul Chats is an open air place that serves lunch and snacks – and, we’d heard, some really...