A visitor

Is eating all we do here? Nope. I entertain visitors when they come and scratch on my front door.This is Shiba, my landlady’s pug. Shiba and her daughter, Siri, and son, Telly, live downstairs.Shiba scratched on the door and when I let her in, she headed straight to...

Other meals

Do we just eat Sri Durga food? No, we do not. Though Sri Durga is a daily visit, we need breakfast after yoga practice. And for that, there are ragi flakes.Okay, ragi is millet, so ragi flakes are millet flakes. They also include jowar (sorghum) and rice.One of the...

More Sri Durga

So what happens when you ask what’s good and Manju says, “Rice bath,” and then you ask, “Do you have curd rice?” This is what happens:He brings you both rice bath (right), curd rice (left) and throws in some bajji (bottom right). The bajji are fritters. I believe he...

Sri Durga: Thali

First thing Manju wanted to hear today was how our trip to buy steel had gone. We told him we had fun and he asked what we bought and how much we paid. He seemed pleased with our answers.Then he said something about “pongal today,” and asked “Big or small?”I took this...

Side trip, initiated by Manju

As we’ve been enjoying our lunches, we’ve also been admiring the Sri Durga tableware. Who doesn’t love a plate that keeps all of the food items separate? And stainless steel cups and bowls. And spoons that nest perfectly.We asked Manju about the tableware and whether...

Sri Durga: Can’t resist ordering my favorite

I’ve held out long enough. I intended to save my favorite dish for last, but Manju mentioned that they had chow chow bath, and I couldn’t resist.Chow chow bathChow chow bath is a two in one dish combining kesari bath and khara bath (kesari is on the left, khara...