by Karen Kelley | Sep 28, 2019 | NEWS & UPDATES
News and Updates Morning and evening programs are doing so well. People are working hard and I think we’re all gratified at just how satisfying this practice is. Sadhana isn’t just hard work, it’s also sweet and surprising and humorous and collegial. ** Jess is off to...
by Karen Kelley | Aug 30, 2019 | NEWS & UPDATES
August was a good month. So much humble, devoted practice. And so many great things happening for people: acceptance to practice at the shala with Sharath in Mysore…
by Karen Kelley | Aug 10, 2019 | NEWS & UPDATES
It’s been a great summer. Lots of solid practice happening at the shala. As the seasons shift, practice somehow always seems sweeter to me. See if that happens for you, too.
by Karen Kelley | Oct 21, 2017 | MP Blog
When I was first learning Ashtanga yoga, I often challenged myself to focus on different aspects of the practice. Sometimes it was a one-day challenge, sometimes a weekly challenge. I might focus on breath or bandhas or a certain transition. The first challenge...
by Karen Kelley | Jul 24, 2017 | MP Blog
I suppose I can’t rail about daily practice without recognizing that an obstacle to practice with an authorized instructor might be lack of funds. If a student sees value in instruction and practice, I want to make that available. The Mysore Phoenix Scholarship...