“Regular practice is compulsory for everyone. Don’t worry about how much you’re bending or not. Be on the mat. Try to do whatever asanas you can.” – Sharath Jois

People new to Ashtanga are fascinated by (& perhaps a bit scared of!) the crazy poses. And indeed the poses can be daunting, no matter how much experience a practitioner has. But to focus on the poses is to miss the point – they are merely the means to an end. Sure, they’re entertaining and challenging and sometimes a bit terrifying, but the real work of Ashtanga lies in sustaining a daily yoga practice. That’s where discipline, determination, dedication, and devotion truly come into play. You can master the most advanced poses Ashtanga has to offer, but if you don’t build and maintain a daily practice, you’re missing the mark. Daily Mysore practice builds stability of mind – and meeting your mind on the mat day after day after day is the most exciting adventure you’ll ever undertake.

Mysore Phoenix - ashtanga- yoga - Mysore style -  Karen Kelley

Every Sunday from 10:00-11:00 AM I teach an introductory session for anyone who wants to practice Ashtanga. But there’s no need to wait for the weekend – email me and we’ll arrange to get you started as soon as possible.

See you on the mat,
